9 research outputs found


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    This quantitative study aims to identify factors affecting the intention of continuity of digital payment use in Generation Z in the post-Covid-19 pandemic. Based on the concepts of ECM (Expectation Confirmation Model) and TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), perceived ease of use, usefulness, and satisfaction were selected as determining variables. Data were collected through questionnaires from 150 Generation Z respondents as digital payment users and tested based on the SEM-PLS technique using SmartPLS software version 4.0. This research has proven that perceived ease of use and satisfaction are the main factors for the continuance intention of digital payment use in Generation Z, especially in the post-Covid-19 pandemic. In contrast, perceived usefulness is not a significant predictor that affects the continuance intention of use. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the expansion of literacy and increase the development of digital payment systems to meet consumer needs in the current cashless era. Further research is needed in describing the continuance intention of digital payment use in Generation Z by adding more variables and increasing the sample to get better findings

    Utilization of zakāt through entrepreneurship programs

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    This study aims to analyze matters related to the distribution of zakat funds at the Semarang branch of Rumah Zakat through entrepreneurship programs and also things that are obstacles and drivers in the distribution of zakat. The method used in this study used qualitative research. The results of this study show that the distribution of zakat funds at Rumah Zakat Semarang is carried out productively and consumptively. And for the distribution of zakat funds at Rumah Zakat Semarang through an entrepreneurship program, it is carried out through the Senyum Mandiri program, which is community empowerment oriented towards integrated community empowerment. This empowerment is carried out in the ICD (Integrated Community Development) area as well as the scope of the village area. There are several empowerment programs, including Entrepreneurial assistance, Independent Development Center, and Productive Skills Training

    Towards Green Business Model: Assessment of Digitalpreneur Actor’s Awareness In Managing Business Waste

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    The development of technology has had an impact on the proliferation of digitalpreneur actors. Technology makes it easy for people to open a business. In general, business people's primary orientation is to profit by minimizing costs. Unfortunately, environmental issues have not become part of the business management considerations of most business actors. The concept of green business is an ideal form in the implementation of the business world. In this study, researchers examine the level of awareness of digitalpreneur actors regarding waste management in their business. This study takes samples from digitalpreneur actors in the Central Java region. The data collection method used a questionnaire with a quota sampling technique. The analysis technique used is descriptive statistics. The result of this study is that most digitalpreneur actors know the importance of sorting waste and depositing the results in a waste bank. However, in reality, many digitalpreneur actors still do not realize that the waste management of their business is not good. Therefore, it is essential to educate and socialize about waste bank to increase literacy on the importance of waste processing

    Upaya Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Guru Melalui Keppres 64/2001

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    Rendahnya anggaran pendidikan, rendahnya kualitas SDM dan rendahnya kualilas mengajar guru, merupakan permasalahan yang cukup kompleks yang dihadapi oleh bangsa Indonesia Maraknya unjuk rasa yang dilakukan olah guru sejak awal tahun 2000 dlslnyalir karena mereka belum mendapatkan hak-haknya secara panuh dari pemerintah seperti gaji pokok dan tunjangan rapel. Profesi guru memegang peranan yang sang at penting dalam dunia pendidikan. Dengan tingkat kesejahteraan yang baik maka dlharapkan mereka mampu meningkatkan kualifikasi mereka sebagai pengaJar sehingga pada akhirnya mereka akan dapat menciptakan generasi yang berkualltas dan men]adl tugas pemerintah untuk mewuJudkan itu semua. Permasalahan yang hendak diangkat dalam penulisan ini adalah bagalmanakah gambaran tingkat keseJahteraan PNS, secara khusus PNS yang berprofesi sebagai guru setelah implementasi Keppres 64/2001 tentang penyesuaian gaji pOkok PNS. Sedangkan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mendapatkan gambaran tentang tingkat kesejahteraan guru setelah Implementasi Keppres 64/2001 dimana hal tarsebut secara tidak langsung berpengaruh terhadap kualitas mengajar guru dan mutu pendidikan di kota Surabaya Melalui penulisan ini diharapkan ada peningkatan kesejahteraan guru sehingga Kualitas mengajar guru den mutu pendidlkan dapat ditingkstkan. Kedua, sebagal bahan rujukan stau referensi bagi para peminat. pemerhati, pemerintah serta pihak-pihak lain yang berkonsentrasi pade masalah pendidikan dalam rangka melakukan penelitlan leblh dalam lagi Beberapa kerangka teoritik yang dlgunakan untuK menjawab permssalahan dl alas adalah tentang kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan Keppres 64/2001; otonomi daerah; peran pemerintah dalam pendidikan: sistem penggajian; gaji pokok PNS; dan konsep kesejahteraan, dalam UU no, 2 Thn. 1989 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, guru yang bekerja pada satuan pendldikan tertentu mempunyai hak-hak yang harus dipenuhi pemerintah, karena negara atau pemerintah berkewajiban dan bertanggung jawab untuk mengurusi pendidikan nasiona!. Guru merupakan bagian dari PNS yang berhak mendapatkan gaji berdasarkan undang-undang dan peraturan pemerintah, Konsep kesejahteraan di sini mengacu pada definisi yang ditulis oleh Samlr Radwan dan Torkel Alfthan mengenai keperluan minimum rumah tangga yaitu antara lain: makan, pakaian, perumahan, kesehatan, pendidikan, air dan sanitas!, transportasi, partisipasi. Kedua Kesejahteraaan rumah tangga berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat yang dikeluarkan oleh BPS. Sedangkan dalam Rekomendasi UNESCOIILO 1966 tentang guru disebutkan bahwa kesejahteraan guru terdiri dari empat unsur yaitu gaji, jaminan sosial, perlindungan jabatan profesl guru, serta pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban profesional gur

    Penentuan Daerah Penyangga Kawasan Taman Hutan Raya Bukit Soeharto di Kecamatan Samboja, Kutai Kartanegara

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    Taman Hutan Raya (Tahura) Bukit Soeharto merupakan kawasan konservasi yang ditetapkan berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan 1231 tahun 2017 memiliki luas 64.814,98 Ha, dari total luasan terdapat pemanfatan lahan pertambangan dengan luas 956 Ha, perkebunan seluas 52 Ha, permukiman atau lahan terbangun seluas 173 Ha dan petanian dengan luas 16.915 Ha. Dimana terdapat 21,29%  dari total luas Taman Hutan Raya Bukit Soeharto dan daerah penyangga yang dipergunakan untuk pertambangan, pertanian lahan kering campuran, pertanian lahan kering, tanah kosong /terbuka, pemukiman, tambak/perikanan dan perkebunan. Hal ini dikarenakan masyarakat tidak mengetahui batasan wilayah untuk memanfaatkan sumberdaya hutan sehingga terjadi pemanfataan lahan yang tidak seharusnya. Selain itu, masyarakat juga tidak mengetahui bahwa kawasan konservasi tidak boleh dimanfaatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  menentukan wilayah yang berfungsi sebagai daerah penyangga kawasan Taman Hutan Raya (Tahura) Bukit Soeharto. Penelitian menggunakan metode overlay peta dengan alat analisis Arcgis 10.7 dengan parameter penentuan fungsi kawasan adalah  kemiringan lahan, jenis tanah dan curah hujan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan diperoleh hasil bahwa terdapat wilayah dengan luas sebesar 2.2 Ha yang memiliki fungsi sebagai daerah penyangga. Wilayah tersebut termasuk dalam wilayah administrasi Kelurahan Sungai Merdeka, Wonotirto, dan Karya Jay


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    This study aims to explain the position of the Halal Industry in Indonesia.  This study also identifies opportunities and challenges in its development.  The method used in this study is a quantitative method.  The data obtained were analyzed using a questionnaire or questionnaire instrument.  This study finds that Indonesia has the potential to develop the Halal Industry in various sectors.  The development of the Halal Industry also has the potential to increase national economic growth.  However, Indonesia has to face various challenges such as low awareness of halal, low competitiveness of local products and problems in its implementatio

    Integration of financing and macroeconomic shock in Islamic banking in Indonesia

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    Purpose – This study analyzes the relationship between Islamic banking financing and macroeconomic variables as well as its response to key economic variables. Methodology – The research design uses quantitative analysis with Islamic banking panel data for the period 2019-2022 with monthly data, and the study used the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). Findings – Non Performing Financing (NPF) and Inflation negatively impact Islamic banking financing. Meanwhile, Third Party Funds (Dana Pihak Ketiga, DPK), Net Operating Margin (NOM), Return on Assets (ROA), Equivalent Rate of Musyarakah (ERPMUSY), and BI rates have a positive direction of significance for Islamic banking financing. In the Granger causality test, the interaction between the variables was unidirectional. While Islamic banking financing responds to shocks, many financings respond negatively to the shocks that occur. Implications – Islamic Financing responds significantly in a negative direction as a result of the shocks that occur in each variable and based on long-term estimates. Therefore, Islamic banking needs to supervise and resolve the internal influence of each bank, as well as the macro influence that can be felt in the long term on Islamic banking financing. Originality – This research integrates Islamic banking finance in Indonesia and examines how internal and macro variables can influence the financing disbursed to Islamic banking in Indonesia. This study also examines shocks between variables and tests the Granger causality between variables. Islamic banking needs to pay attention to many factors to minimize bad financing or lack of interest in applying for financing

    The Margin of Islamic Microfinance Institution: To What Extent Does Capital Structure Matter

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    The aim of this research is to analyze role of Islamic Microfinance Institution for empowering and developing micro industry. The measurement of the performance institution to stimulate economic growth is NPLSM (Net Profit Los Sharing Margin). This study analyze how is capital structure affect NPLSM (Net Profit Los Sharing Margin) in Indonesia by using multiple linear regression and data panel to see the great NPLSM which is influenced by capital structure. To see how is capital structure influence of margin, using data on period 2010-2016. It is, where the capital structure as the independent variable and the margin as the dependent variable. The result is the capital structure has no effect on the margin.</p